UK Gambling Commission Announces New Resolver Tool

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The United Kingdom Gambling Commission has announced that it will release a new ‘Resolver’ tool to allow consumers to easily report issues faced with UK Bookmakers. The dispute resolution aid will come into effect on August 1st 2017. It’s purpose is to allow punters to submit complaints with ease. Resolver will collect the data and automatically create a case, then forward the grievance to the necessary operator.

The benefits for both punter and bookmaker are clear. Gamblers will have their information stored and can seek information on their consumer rights. It’s anticipated that roughly 25% of complaints will be dropped, as customers become aware of their rights and limitations. Those that do proceed with a dispute, can track their case to it’s conclusion. Operators will also receive customer complaints in a standardised format, which in theory will speed up the resolution process for all parties.

The Gambling Commission is keen to point out that this tool is built with impartiality and fairness in mind. An excerpt from an official statement read;

“Resolver is not an intermediary, and doesn’t act on the consumer’s behalf”

Resolver will undoubtedly become a useful asset for matched bettors. Matched betting is, of course, entirely legal. However, the boundaries of bookmaker terms and conditions are often pushed and it’s not uncommon for online betting sites to renege on issuing free bets and bonuses.

Anyone with significant experience of the money making technique is bound to have had at least one dispute with a bookie and will doubtless experience other issues further down the line. Thankfully, for the most part, it’s plain sailing but should a UK bookmaker act unlawfully, withhold funds without just cause or contravene Gambling Commission guidelines, Resolver can be used to report and accelerate the complaint procedure.



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